SMA Healthcare
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Substance Use and Mental Health Outpatient Therapy for Adolescents and Adults

MH Therapy (OP):

Serves adults who have a mental health diagnosis. Therapy targets symptoms management, coping skills and improving healthy relationships and quality of life. Services start with assessment and individualized treatment planning and can be provided via individual and group therapy. Telehealth services are also available when appropriate. Family participation in treatment is encouraged to support the family in the recovery process. Outpatient services allow the individual to remain active with work, family and the community while the participate in treatment.

SA Therapy (OP):

Adult Outpatient is for adults 18 years old and older who have substance use disorders. Clients can be voluntary or court ordered to participate. Court-ordered clients can participate in DUI Court, drug court, Correctional Treatment Diversion Program (CTDP), or can be referred by probation or child welfare services. Services start with assessment and individualized treatment planning and can be provided via individual and group therapy. Telehealth services are also available when appropriate. Family participation in treatment is encouraged to support the family in the recovery process. Outpatient services allow the individual to remain active with work, family and the community while the participate in treatment.

Adolescent Therapy (OP):

Adolescent Outpatient Program is for youth ages 12-17 with substance use disorders. Services start with assessment and individualized treatment planning and can be provided via individual and group therapy. Telehealth services are also available when appropriate. Family participation in treatment is encouraged to support the family in the recovery process. Treatment is specifically directed toward repairing relationships, reducing impulsivity, developing social and life skills, and providing treatment interventions for the youth remain substance-free. The goals of the program include establishing long-lasting recovery from drugs and alcohol and rebuilding a person’s skills to facilitate recovery and reconnection to the community.

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

The Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program serves adults with opioid, stimulant, and alcohol use disorders in an outpatient setting. The program offers buprenorphine, naltrexone, or Vivitrol in combination with group and individual therapy, case management and peer support. 


Florida Assertive Community Treatment program provides comprehensive support services to adults who have severe and persistent mental illness and have had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. A multidisciplinary team consists of a psychiatrist, nurses, counselors, case managers, and peers, who deliver a wide scope of services and crisis assessment and intervention 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With most services being provided in the community, individuals who might otherwise be relegated to life-long hospital stays are able to maintain independent living in the community of their choice.

Psychiatric Medication Management

Psychiatric Medication Outpatient Program (Med Management) provides medical support services to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness and co-occurring disorders. The goal is recovery and reconnection to the community. Services include psychiatric evaluation, treatment planning, medication management, and nursing services.

Child Welfare Services [FIS/FITT/TANF]*

Family Treatment Coordinators (FTC) work with parents involved in the child welfare system who are experi­encing substance use and/or mental health prob­lems and are at risk of losing their children. Family Treatment Coordinators assess and link clients to treatment/services and provide case management services until the client is engaged in the services.

The Family Intensive Treatment Team (FITT) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) are comprehen­sive in-home treatment and case management program that provides help to parents involved with child welfare (DCF/CPC) due to substance misuse and/or mental health problems. Peer Recov­ery Specialists are also used in the FITT Program to provide support and help families connect with the world of positive sober support in their local community.

Case Management*

Adult Targeted Case Management services are provided in an outpatient and home-based setting to assist the individual in gaining access to needed med­ical, social, educational and natural support, and other related services. The goal is to promote independent functioning through coordination of support services.


CINS/FINS is our community-based program paid for by the Department of Juvenile Justice and free to families. Services are provided on a non-residential basis to youth ages 6-1 who are runaway, truant, or ungovernable. Youth and their families are linked to a CINS/FINS community counselor who does an assessment of the issues at hand, and works with the family to secure the best possible remedies. A plan is created that best fits the youth and family needs and goals. Services include case monitoring, crisis counseling, information, referral, and linkage to other services.

Primary Care

SMA Healthcare provides a comprehensive set of primary care services to individuals of all ages. This program provides access to care to improve the quality of community health through an integrated and holistic approach. Services include health screenings, point of care testing, medication management, immunizations, preventative care, and chronic disease management and education. 

For information or to make an appointment, please call: 386-254-1149.


NAVIGATE is a comprehensive treatment program for people who have had a first episode of psychosis, a serious condition characterized by a disconnect from reality. The program provides services for up to two years and is for individuals residing in the Volusia County who are between the ages of 15-36 years of age who have experienced their first episode of psychosis.

The program provides wraparound services to experience recovery and resiliency in a community setting. Treatment is provided by a team of mental health professionals who focus on helping people work toward personal goals and restore functioning to the highest possible level. More broadly, NAVIGATE helps clients and families navigate the road to recovery and resiliency from an episode of psychosis, including getting back to functioning well at home, at work or school, and in society. Services include case management/peer specialist services, ongoing medication management and education, linkage to appropriate services and transportation, individual and family therapy/education, and vocational/educational services. 

*Denotes a Community-Based service