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Finding Healthy Habits

Finding Healthy Habits


It can sometimes be difficult to set positive goals when it feels like the cards are stacked against you. Taking time to set up healthy habits is the most efficient way to see the positive results we all strive for. Whether you are in recovery, or at the beginning of your mental health journey, finding ways to better yourself and your day-to-day actions, will only improve your life moving forward.

Here are a few ways you can better your habits:

– Getting plenty of sleep and staying hydrated is essential for your mental and physical health.

– Knowledge is power. The more you can learn about your diagnoses the better prepared you are to continue on a journey of self-discovery and improving your health.

– Prioritize your appointments with providers. Whether its mental health, substance use or primary care, they are always there to help!

– Find support from others. Finding a group of individuals who can relate to your struggles, will often offer additional insight that is needed for a better recovery.

– Focus on yourself and your strengths. Taking time for yourself is never something to feel guilty about.

– Always listen to yourself and others. Be honest with how you are feeling and never ignore your needs.

         Finding peace and happiness is something that takes time. Changing a habit or finding peace in yourself does not happen overnight. Though it can feel frustrating, remember that recovery is often a lifelong process.

         Recovery can be a long, challenging process, but there is always help. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use or mental health issues, SMA Healthcare has plenty of services to help. Call 800-539-4228 or visit